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Be the Captain

I’ve been doing a lot of reading on leadership. No matter what your professional position may be, every one of us is in a position of leadership somewhere in our lives, whether it’s being a parent, a spouse or partner, a friend or a volunteer.
I came across a series of quotes on being a ship’s captain that I found quite inspirational. I thought I’d share some of these with you in hopes of passing on that inspiration and providing perspective on the responsibility and learning that leadership brings.

  • Everyone in the boat works easier when led by an expert captain. Conversely, everyone in the boat works harder when led by a novice captain, no matter how well intentioned the captain is and no matter how skilled the others in the boat may be.

  • Novice captains often forget to look ahead, especially during times of calm.

  • The expert captain almost nonchalantly avoids obstacles that to the novice captain appear to require dramatic action.

  • The crew can exert valiant effort, yet that does little good if the captain does not set the course.

  • The best way to become more than a novice is to get behind an expert captain, observe what s/he does, and immediately apply what is observed.

  • The gentle encouragement of an expert captain speaks ever so clearly to anyone who wants to learn and grow.

  • A truly expert captain teaches, guides and encourages.

  • No mistake is so great that the captain cannot find room for praise.

  • The expert captain reads the waters and understands where to go and where not to go. The novice plows through, hoping to make progress one way or another.

  • The expert captain moves his ship so effortlessly that one begins to wonder why he gets paid so much for doing so little.

  • Sometimes, the best thing an expert captain in one field can do is to be a novice in another field for a day. A lesson in humility can be a powerful teacher.

Regardless of your job title, be the captain of your own ship. Lead by example. Make it happen, no matter how high the waves and how choppy the seas. The greatness is already within you. Don’t ever be afraid to let it out and show the world your real power.